Policy & Advocacy
We support and facilitate efforts to improve internal policies and procedures of state and local enforcement agencies while bridging relationships between worker organizations and workers. We do this in order to inspire culture shifts that prioritize the needs and livelihood of workers.
In partnership with Worker Organizations
Pushing for policy that:
Removes the exclusion of workers from H&S protections
Provides language justice at the worksite
Strengthens anti-retaliation protections for workers
Supports the formation of health & safety worker committees
Addresses workplaces hazards like:
Stress and Stable Scheduling
Heat Illness
Workplace Violence

Advocacy Improving Local and State Agencies
Working people know best what kinds of protection are needed in the worksite. We work with worker organizations to push local and state legislation and enforcement towards improving the conditions of working people in our communities.
California Occupational Safety and Health Coordination with UC Merced, Berkeley Labor Center, UCLA LOSH, Worksafe
COVID Worker Outreach Project
Regional Relationship-Building Initiative​
Emergency Temporary Standard
Department of Public Health

Direct Action
We support worker delegations, rallies, pickets, and council public comment in order to increase visibility for various campaigns working towards improving workplace health and safety.